Catechetical Certification
What is the CI?
The Catechetical Institute (CI) at Franciscan University of Steubenville work to prepare clergy, religious and laity to join the “army of catechists” called for by St. John Paul II, eager to help the Church in her mission of making all nations joyful disciples of Jesus Christ. We combine a thorough formation in Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and Magisterial documents with training in effective pedagogical techniques to help those we serve to grasp the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Father’s plan, and to bear witness to others faithfully of the wonderful life of grace in the Holy Spirit.
ALL PRINCIPALS ONLY (Parish, Archdiocesan, Private Schools)
Please be sure to submit the ADLA Catholic School-Ministry Profile if you have not yet done so. This will allow our team to better understand your school community needs and how we can provide support to schools in the areas of Campus Ministry, Retreats, Faith Formation, Catechetical, Liturgical, and Christian Service programs.
For further information or assistance, please contact:
All Staff TK-8 and High School Theology Teachers, & Campus Ministers!
In order to communicate Faith formation and Spiritual Growth opportunities being offered throughout the ADLA, as well assist principals in managing the Catechetical certification process for all ADLA teachers, we are requesting that all principals, religion teachers and campus ministers, serving in both elementary and high schools complete the
DCS Religion Teacher Profile & Catechetical Certification Application Form This form is also used as the application for Catechetical Certification and/or renewal. However, if that is not needed at this time, the teacher can select “Religion Teacher Profile only” on the form. This information will allow us to provide resources and information directly to your teachers related to the function areas we are supporting in this role.
Please be sure to include any dates and documents related to catechetical certification status.